Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cynthis Bourgeault: Jesus as Tantric Master

If I were to describe the kenotic path [Jesus] laid out in its broadest generic terms, using metaphysical rather than theological language, the category that most closely fits is “tantric.” Now I know “tantra” is an immediate scare word to a lot of Christians, who think it means making a religion out of having good sex. But “tantra” in its real sense is an ancient and authentic spiritual path, based on a comprehensive metaphysical system. The symmetrical opposite of the way of the ascetic (or brahmacharya, to use the comparable generic name), it seeks the unitive state— that is the transcendence of separation and duality—through a complete self-emptying or self-outpouring.

... In the kenotic or tantric path, anything can come toward you, and you can embrace it fully; you preserve your chastity simply by not clinging. In the free flow of this coming and going (which as we saw in the last chapter belongs to the perichoresis, or “dance around,” of divine love) you dwell in safety.

Cynthis Bourgeault in ‘Wisdom Jesus’

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